TGS History

  • Organic and inorganic systems, Wolfgang Köhler

    Raised the theory of open systems, which is aimed at elaborating the more general properties of inorganic systems, compared to organic ones.
  • Theory of Biological Populations, Alfred James Lotka

    He studied the evolution of populations and defined the concepts of "stable population", "stationary population" and "natural growth rate". His most important work is entitled Analytical Theory of Biological Associations.
  • Real perspective of the processes based on the relationships between them

    Whitehead argued that processes are better defined by their relationships with other processes, additionally he argues that "there is an urgency to see the world as a network of interrelated processes of which we are integral parts, so that all our decisions and actions have consequences for the world around us"
  • Homeostasis, Walter Bradford Cannon

    He defined homeostasis to psychosomatic responses, chemical neurotransmission and the body system that maintains steady state, additionally investigated the physiology of emotions, finding that when some animals panic, peristaltic contractions cease, later describing the increase in adrenaline that initiates the response in emergency situations, which he called the 'fight or flight response'
  • Camp theory, Kurt Lewin

    It uses constructive rather than classificatory methods, the approach is psychological rather than physical, the field theory is distinguished by theoretical orientations such as the constructive method, the Dynamic approach, the psychological approach and the initial analysis of the global situation.
  • Automata theory, Alan Turing

    Is the study of abstract machines and the computational problems that can be solved using them.
  • Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, John Von Neumann

    He uses models to study interactions in formalized incentive structures ("games"). Its researchers study the optimal strategies, as well as the predicted and observed behavior of individuals in games.
  • Feedback theory, Norbert Wiener

    It studies the relationship between the psychology of living beings, social systems and the organization of machines deriving a fundamental action of self-correction and information feedback.
  • Information theory, Claude Elwood Shannon y Warren Weaver

    This theory is based on the transmission and processing of information and deals with the measurement of information and it self representation, as well as the ability of communication systems to transmit and process information.
  • Machines that "think and learn", William Ross Ashby

    It exposes the matrices of knowledge on the functions of intelligent machines and complex systems. First Law of Cybernetics
  • Catastrophe theory, René Thom

    “The complexity of a control system must be equal to or greater than the complexity of the system it controls.”
  • Autopoiesis, Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela

    It refers to a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself by creating its own parts and eventually further components.
  • Chaos theory, Mitchell Feigenbaum

    Chaos theory is the area of mathematics that looks at the behaviour of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to their initial conditions. A dynamical system is defined as a system whose status or state changes over time according to a set of fixed ‘cause‐and‐effect’ rules.
  • Complex adaptive systems, John Henry Holland

    "Many natural systems (e.g., brains, immune systems, ecologies, societies) and increasingly, many artificial
    systems (computing systems, artificial intelligence systems, artificial neural networks, evolutionary programs) are characterized by apparently complex behaviors that emerge as a result of often nonlinear spatio-temporal interactions among a large number of component systems at different levels of organization."
  • Nonlinear structures of self-gravitating systems, Li, Xiao-Qing

    The nonlinear structures of two-component self-gravitating systems are investigated by comparison with the treatment of nonlinear oscillations in plasma
  • Multiscale System Theory, Benveniste, Albert Nikoukhah, Ramine Willsky, Alan S.

    In many applications, it is of interest to analyze and recognize phenomena occurring at different scales. The recently introduced wavelet transforms provide a time-and-scale decomposition of signals that offers the possibility of such an analysis. Until recently, however, there has been no corresponding statistical framework to support the development of optimal, multiscale statistical signal processing algorithms.
  • Theory of Strain Percolation in Metals, R Thomson, Lyle E. Levine

    demonstrate that a deforming metal is a self organizing critical system, and that the stress-strain law can be expressed as an integration of certain derivatives of internal variables along the critical line of the system.
  • The Causal Theory of Names: Between Theory and Practice, Al-Sayyed, Sa'ida Walid

    theory of names. Whenever people choose a name, they are under the influence of; naming after people who are admired for their virtues, the aesthetic taste of the name, parents' and relatives' religious beliefs, maintaining rhyming names, circumstantial names, and respecting social and cultural traditions.