TG: Project: Begin the World War I, Treaty of Versailles, and Great Depression Timeline - Part 1 Assignment 3: World War I

By jb4541
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism is the biggest country with the most control. They could be considered the "motherland" if you like aliens. Before the war the most imperial country was Great Britain, they had the most owned colonies. link text
  • Nationalism

    People being very supportive to their country and only their country. This was part of the war because people would be against having alies, but also people would threaten other countries. Problems occured when people were born in other countries could be introuble around people who support nationalism because they could threaten them. link here
  • Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary

    Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
    Germany wanted to show that they would support them in what they needed. In effort to do so they sent a blank check. link text
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    There was a bunch of events after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Britian got into a disagreement with Germany, and started having conflicts with text link text
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    Germany sank a Bristish ship that made many countries public eye turn against Germany
  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie
    Archduke was nephew of Emporer Franz who was assassinatied after WW1 began, he had traveled to Sarajevo in June 1917. On his trip he went to gather information on the armed forces, of countries who wanted to become part of the new independant nation. His wife Sophie was a lady in waiting denied royalty because she was born poor. She was traveling with little securtiy when their car got bombed. link text
  • Militarism

    The importance of militarism during world war 1 was because the military was fighting for us. Early June 1917, the commander had landed in Britian before moving to France. The commander during this time had began his command, and organize him. He was able to use militarism after this.

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  • Aliances

    Aliances are having other countries to support in an event or war, aliances are important because in event of wars you have other countries on your side or to help if you need. One alliance that was `presented was between Germany and Mexico. link text link text
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    It was a telegram sent from Mexico, Zimmerman, to Germany to form a German-Mexico alliance.
  • Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
    Priorly suspended, submarine was resumed after the US and other neutral countries had either joined the war or become attacked by the German Navy. link text
  • US entry into the war and her impact on it

    US entry into the war and her impact on it
    Began with starting a war against Germany, after that Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare. link text
  • Effects of WWI

    Effects of WWI
    There were around 20 million deaths, and 21 million casualties. Some new countries to become in the war were Poland, Australia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. link text
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This is the treaty that officially ended the war. They made many different things for Germany. Germany also didnt have much imput on the treaty. Germany agreed to pay for reparations under different plans. link here
  • Dawes Plan and Young Plan

    Dawes Plan and Young Plan
    The Dawes plan was that Germany would have to pay, but the payments would become less and grow as time went on. The Young plan was to make changes to the payments, they proposed a plan to stop the payments, at first to lower then but then to stop them in the end. The reasoning to way was to make ammends from the war, and Germany's mistakes in the war. link here
  • Rise of hitler

    Rise of hitler
    He used woes as power and began to take power of Germany. He began to get vonerable people to turn against Jewish, he was able to have his followers over a lot of Europe. He had around 6 million people killed. link here
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression is a time after the war where America's stock market had crashed. America was trying to rebuild, but there was a stress through wallstreet for brokers, as well as inverstorslink text