
Textbooks and Piracy Research Paper Timeline

  • On the Web, a Textbook Proliferation of Piracy.

    Young, Jeffrey R. "On the Web, a Textbook Proliferation of Piracy." Chronicle of Higher Education 54.44 (2008): A1-A9. Web. Sept. 2014.
  • Downloading Pirated Textbooks Becomes Commonplace on Campuses.

    Young, Jeffrey R. "Downloading Pirated Textbooks Becomes Commonplace on Campuses." Chronicle of Higher Education 55.4 (2008): A12. Web.
  • E-Book Piracy: Is Your Download Legitimate?

    Spring, Tom. "E-Book Piracy: Is Your Download Legitimate?" PC World 28.3 (2010): 23-25. Web.
  • Does Increasing Textbook Portability Increase Reading Rates or Academic Performance?

    Stratton, Georeana. "Does Increasing Textbook Portability Increase Reading Rates or Academic Performance?" Inquiry 16.1 (2011): 5-16. Web.
  • Students About Get Savvier Texbook Buying.

    Parry, Marc. "Students About Get Savvier Texbook Buying." Chronicle of Higher Education 59.21 (2013): A22-23. Web.
  • Piracy Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Influences on Unauthorized Book Copies.

    Dionísio, Pedro, Carmo Leal, Hélia Pereira, and Maria Fátima Salgueiro. "Piracy Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Influences on Unauthorized Book Copies." Journal of Marketing Education 35.2 (2013): 191-200. Web.