Galveston Storm
A natural disaster happens. A hurricane hits galveston. It hit latter in the day. It dround people and desstroyed biuldings. -
the luacuse gyser blew oil over 150 feet in the air at a rate of 100000 barrels a day. it took nine days took get it under control. -
18th amendment
hard to obtain alcoholic bereges. -
19th amendment
qulification to vote. -
first governor of texas
was elected and served two terms. in the state of texas state of office was democratic. -
presidential election
john kineddy was elected presidant. -
assassination in dallas texans in D.C.
J.F.K was shot while traviling with his wife. -
1st republican governor of TX since 1870's
bill clements was a Dallas oil executive.one time Deputy secretary of defens to president nixon and ford. -
VP George Bush in Reagan administration
As Vice President, Bush generally took on a low profile while recognizing the constitutional limits of the office; he avoided decision-making or criticizing Reagan in any way -
George Bush as President
George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States (1989–1993). A Republican, he had previously served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States (1981–1989), a congressman, an ambassador and Director of Central Intelligence; he is currently the oldest surviving former President.