"Determined-to-die" Cells
Communist forces are ordered to create "determined to die" cells of young men and women in preparations for "attacks in the near future." -
Ho Chi MInh Poem
Radio Hanoi broadcasted a poem by Ho Chi Minh that illustrated the importance of the impending attack. This spring far outshines previous springs.
Of triumphs through the land come happy tidings
Forward! Total victory shall be ours!
(tranlsated from original) -
Urgent Combat Order One
On this day, US 4th Infantry Division capture this document that outlined the Tet attacks in the Pleiku province -
NLF Seeks Tet Observance
Spokesman of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam publicly appealed for the observance of the Tet truce and that a possibility of the truce being extended by the communists. -
NVA Leave and Passes Cancelled
Following the public initiative to observer Tet, all Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army units had their leaves cancelled -
North Vietnam Celebrates Tet
North Vietnam celebrated Tet a day early. The government stated that the holiday was moved a day earlier was because the earth and the sun were in an unsual and favorable conjunction a half hour before the actual new year. -
Period: to
Tet Truce Violations
In violation of the Tet Truce, Phu My District Hqs receives mortar fire and limited ground probes, as does the 41st ARVN Regimental HQ at LZ Crystal. At 1045 on 30 January, the 1/50 (M) Infantry Battalion was notified that due to enemy action, the Tet Truce was terminated effective 0945. -
Signal for Attack
Radio Hanoi rebroadcasts January 1, 1968 Ho CHi Minh's holiday poem. The final line "Forward! Total victory is ours!" was the signal that the plans for the Tet offensinve were to go forward. -
VC operative captured
The significance of this is that when the operative was captured and interrigated, he revealed that the Tet offensive were to start on January 31, 1968 at 0300. This turned out to be true. -
Beginning of the Tet Offensive
84,000 Viet Cong guerrillas aided by NVA troops launch the Tet Offensive attacking a hundred cities and towns throughout South Vietnam. The surprise offensive is closely observed by American TV news crews in Vietnam which film the U.S. embassy in Saigon being attacked by 17 Viet Cong commandos, along with bloody scenes from battle areas showing American soldiers under fire, dead and wounded.
CBS Coveraged of the US Embassy in Saigon attack