Mr. Diala's Timeline

By jdiala
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    Teacher's College

    Mr. Diala obtained a scholarship for his excellent work in his first year.
    He finished his second year with excellent marks.
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    Bishop Grandin

    Mr. Diala taught science and legal studies.
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    St. Mary's

    Mr. Diala taught science and chemistry.
    Mr. Diala helped with volleyball, graduation banquet, and after school youth group
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    Father Lacombe

    Mr. Diala taught science, chemistry, and math.
    He helped with the school yearbook.
    He also helped develop resources for the entire school board.
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    Blyth Academy

    Mr. Diala taught chemistry, science, and social science.
  • St. Edmund Campion

    Mr. Diala taught science and learning strategies.
  • Loyola

    Mr. Diala taught science and math.
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    St. Marcellus

    Mr. Diala taught Grade 8.
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    St. Martin

    Mr. Diala taught science and environmental science.
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    St. Kevin

    Mr. Diala taught Grade 8 health, Grade JK-1 gym, Grade 1-3 art, and JK/SK outdoor playtime.
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    St. Aidan

    Mr. Diala taught Grade 8.