Period: to
GM Chuck Daughtry (started pre-Nestle)
Period: to
Comm. Caldwell (started pre-Nestle)
Period: to
Comm. Lee (started pre-Nestle)
Period: to
Comm McLean (started pre-Nestle)
Period: to
Comm. Woosley (started pre-Nestle)
Period: to
Comm. Janik
Presentation by Nestle to the Port Commission
the beginning -
Port activities started
Port in discussions with Nestle, the city, Ball Janik (lawyers / lobbyists), & Tennison Engineering (consultant). -
Draft report of City's water rights completed (by Tennison Engineering)
GM reviewed draft of agreement between City & Oregon Fish & Wildlife
Period: to
Comm. Groves
Community Town Hall (hosted by Nestle)
Period: to
Comm. Groves employed as liason of Nestle (starting date estimated)
Food and Water Watch had been circulating a petition to stop the water exchange.
Significant increased activity by organized "environmental" groups
Town Hall meeting
GM reviewed preliminary report on traffic impacts
GM visited town of McCloud, CA; noted need to maintain citizen involvement to retain community support
Met with Nestle, ODFW, and Northwest Steelheaders & Oregon Trout association
Bark event: showing movie FLOW
Nestle presenting to Hood River County
GM attended Food & Water Watch seminar in Portland
Water exchange request submitted by ODFW
Town Hall meeting hosted by Nestle
Fish study in final month.
GM toured the Oxbow springs site with ODFW & DWR.
Nestle sends $2,000 check to pay for benches at Sacaguea statue
Nestle Town Hall
Discussion of siting & regarding potential conflict of interest issues with a Commissioner
Period: to
Comm. Mohr
Period: to
Comm. Cramblett
Period: to
Comm. Verschuren
Signed agreement with Nestle to sample water from wellhead at House #5
Commissioner Groves resigning position at Nestle to avoid conflict of interest issues
Commissioner commented on media coverage & need for commissioners to provide correct information
Attended NW Bottled Water Association conference & plant tours
Met with Nestle & city to discuss a fact based communication plan.
Conference call with ODFW, ODWR, and Nestle regarding status of water exchange; also noted march in Portland against Nestle Water
Bark and Food & Water Watch initiated a contested hearing against the water rights exchange; hydrology test being arranged
Tour of Nestle's Sacramento facility
Rally for Nestle hosted by City and Port
Truck length test arranged by Nestle for ODOT
State and Port recieved open records request from Food and Water Watch about Nestle
Commission approved $5000 for MCEDD study & advice on other communities' agreements with Nestle
- Commission voted to approve agreement with Mid-Columbia Economic Development Distrct to spend up to $5000 to do a study on other communities' aggrements with Nestle and provide advice.
- Nestle talking points finalized and will be put to print.
- Toured plastics recycling plant in St Helens.
Talking points compmleted & will be put to print
Bruce Sorte from OSU presented on his economic impact study
Port talked to PIO for ODFW regarding the benefits ODFW identified in its analysis of the water exchange
Period: to
IGM Paul Koch
Period: to
Comm. Sullenger
Free Nestle BBQ for the community
Commission Groves attending ODFW hearing in Salem; his presentation includes photos of citizens & Port employees holding signs supporting Nestle
More meetings in Salem with ODFW & ODWR. Nestle contracting with former director of ODWR. Governor's Economic Development person states that they are refusing to take a position
Identified the need to get out to keep the community informed
Voted to approve allowing Nestle to drill 3 test wells for geohydrology testing, report to be provided to city
Nestle agrees to donate 10 defribulators to Downtown Business Association for use in their membership campaign
Voted to approve Nestle drilling test wells on Moody Road property
Nestle BBQ
Period: to
Comm. Haight
Voted to approve right of first offer to Nestle for 15,000 (with option for a second year for another 15,000)
Nestle annual BBQ