Nikola tesla 2

Wardenclyffe Tower

By KyuMuu
  • Tesla identifies the Magnetic Induction Field Principle

    Tesla identifies the Magnetic Induction Field Principle
    Working on his own, Tesla identified this principle which nowadays is used in alternators
  • Tesla starts working for Edison

    Tesla starts working for Edison
    He was attempting to improve on electrical equipment sent from the United States.
  • Tesla quits workings for Edison

    Tesla quits workings for Edison
    Tesla decided to leave Edison's company as he wouldn't fund his patents
  • Tesla's Electric Light and Manufacturing Company

    Tesla's Electric Light and Manufacturing Company
    Tesla creates his own company. However, he doesn't get much profit from his investments.
  • Tesla Coil

    Tesla Coil
    Tesla creates and registers his patent
  • Wardenclyffe Tower

    Wardenclyffe Tower
    The project was started but never fully completed due to financial issues.