Oil Crisis (ME)
Oil use was fairly high in the 1970s. The Middle East was having religious conflict so they cut off petroleum exports to the West. Oil prices skyrockeed. -
Iran Hostage Crisis (ME)
Iranian revolutionaries invaded the US Embassy in Iran and took more than 60 Americans hostage. The hostages remained kidnapped for 444 days. -
Black Hawk Down (FT)
The Somalia military shot down two American helicopters using rocket-propelled grenades. 18 Americans died. -
Oklahoma City Bombing (DT)
An American man bombed a governement building in Oklahoma City. He had felt like the citizens were being mistreated by the governemtn. The incident killed 168 people. -
Embassy Bombings ( FT)
Al Qaeda bombed 2 American ebassies in Kenya and Tanzania. It killed 220 people. -
USS Cole (FT)
This was a suicide attack sent by al Qaeda on an American ship and killed 17 people. It didn't actually sink the ship, but it was still fatal to some people. -
9/11 (FT)
Al Qaeda hijacked 4 planes and planned to run into major American buildings. Two ran into the World Trade Center, one crashed into the Pentegon, and the other crashed into a random field. It killed thousands of innocient Americans. -
War in Afghanistan (ME)
Thiswas an intervention of NATO in Afghanistan and allied forces in Afghan Civil War. It followed 9/11 in effort to end al Qaeda and remove the Taliban from power. -
The Department of Homeland Security was created in response to the 9/11 attacks. It protects the United States and its territories, responds to terrorist attacks, man made accidents and natural disasters. It also prepares for, prevents, and responds to domestic emergencies. -
Ft. Hood Shootings (DT)
This was a mass murder in Fort Hood in Texas. A US Army Major shot and killed 13 people and injured another 30. It is said to have produced more casualties than on any other American military base.