"Terrorism Timeline"

  • French Revolution (regime de la terreur)

    Terrorism had a positive connotation, establish a revolutionary estate. Associated with establishing a democracy. Democracy = violence/terror, improve society
  • French Revolution — shift of positive terror to negative

    Abuse of office and power, crime
  • Industrial Revolution = antistate terrorism and selective targeting of individuals

    Terrorism is essential for gaining revolutionary support, target people who represent the state/the idea that the terrorist does not support within the state, importance of symbolism, prohibits the targeting of innocent civilians
  • Terrorism attacking symbolic places and innocent people - rise of the IRB

    Beginning to attack places of symbolic significance, media enters as an important aspect to publicize their cause
  • Terrorism expands beyond the domestic sphere and new targets

    Irish one of the first to acknowledge the importance of foreign base to promote their campaign, targeting mass transportation, bombs so the perpetrators can escape
  • Terrorist Groups Developing “brand” names

    Governmental support, logos and insignia
  • Terrorism used to describe governmental repression and acts against citizens

    Governmental abuse of power eg. nazis, fascists, Stalinist Russia
  • Period: to

    Terrorists = “freedom fighters”

    Terrorists fighting against perceived wrongs and oppression
  • Period: to

    Terrorism = revolutionary

    Including nationalist/ethical and radical ideological groups
  • “Terrorism = calculated means to destablilize the West as part of a vast global conspiracy”

    Expansion of suicide bombings and threat of state-sponsored terrorism
  • Terrorism = surrogate warfare against a larger target

  • Period: to

    9/11 redefining terrorism

    Anything that threatened western culture/America = terrorism