Terrorism Timeline

By Bognerk
  • -(less than a month after 9/11)

    -U.S Troops invade Afghanistan to dismantle al Qaeda and remove the Taliban government harboring the group.
  • Hate Groups

    -Hate groups towards Middle Eastern people and Muslims jumped to 481, increasing 453 from the previous year. With that, racism and discrimination increased towards Muslims and Middle Eastern People.
  • Psychological Impact

    -Psychological Impact: It caused stress and symptoms of PTSD to appear for a lot of people even if they did not have direct connections to New York or the people there.
  • U.S Patriot Act

    U.S Patriot Act became law. This allowed the government to work around constitutional/privacy rights to better determine terrorists and prevent attacks by having a secret surveillance on the people
  • TSA

    (Nov) Transportation Security Administration was created. TSA has the authority over the security of the traveling public, especially airlines. Protect from attacks by having an armed Federal Air Marshal on the plane, screening officers in airports, having the authority to refer to watch lists of individuals who could pose a flight safety risk and having a mobile team of dog handlers.
  • Shoe Bomber

    Shoe Bomber. A man put explosives in his shoe and boarded a plane extending to detonate them while in the air. He was caught in the act before anything could occur.
  • Guantanamo Bay

    -Bush Administration opened the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba where we send suspected enemy combatants (without trial or legal representation indefinitely)
  • Department of Homeland Security

    -Department of Homeland Security created. Designed to prepare, prevent and respond to domestic emergencies particularly terrorism by detecting explosives, protecting critical infrastructure and cyber networks from attack and building information-sharing partnerships.
  • D.C Sniper Attacks

    -D.C Sniper Attacks: Over the course of two months, two men sniped random citizens throughout D.C
  • Car Bomb

    • (Oct.) Car Bomb: A car bomb in Bali, Indonesia killed nearly 190 people set by al Qaeda.
  • 9/11 Commission Report

    -(Nov.) 9/11 Commission Report was released. It was created to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks containing preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks and provides recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.
  • Iraq

    -Invasion of Iraq began because of the imminent threat of Saddam's weapons and mass destruction and ties to terrorism
  • Guantanamo Bay

    -Guantanamo Bay had more than 650 foreign inmates, critics call to shut it down as a gross violation of basic human rights and a stain on America’s image abroad.
  • Psychological Impact

    -Psychological Impact: As time passed, most people’s stress and PTSD symptoms faded and they returned to their normal state.
  • ICE

    -Immigration and Customs Enforcement was created. An agency under Homeland Security that is responsible for identifying, investigating and dismantling vulnerabilities regarding the nation’s border, etc. by apprehending, arresting, detaining and removing aliens in the U.S.
  • Ohio Shopping Mall Bombing

    -(Nov.) Ohio Shopping Mall Bombing Plot: Somali citizen in Ohio attempted to shoot up a shopping mall but was caught and arrested before he was able to.
  • Black Day of Terror

    -(Aug) Black Day of Terror: Terrorist cell plotted to attack the New York Stock Exchange and other financial institutions. FBI caught the members and their dirty bomb before it could go off.
  • Suicide Car Bombing

    -(Feb) Suicide Car Bombing: Suicide car bombing of a police recruiting station occurred in Hillah, Iraq
  • Patriot Act

    Revisions of the Patriot Act were signed by Bush.
  • SUV into College Crowd

    -(March 2006) SUV into College Crowd: A man drove into a crowd of college students injuring them stating it was revenge for the treatment of,Muslims around the world.
  • NYC Subway Plot

    -(April) NYC Subway Plot: FBI discovered a plot to attack underground train tunnels between NYC and New Jersey and apprehended it before attack happened.
  • Sears Tower Bombing Plot

    -(June) Sears Tower Bombing Plot: Several people tried to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago by parking SUVs with explosives at the base. FBI caught the members before they could go through with the plan.
  • JFK Airport Plot

    -(June) JFK Airport Plot: Several people plotted to blow up aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at JFK airport. They were caught before anything happened.
  • Guantanamo Bay

    -Obama vowed to close Guantanamo Bay (however he never fully accomplished this but instead majorly reduced population. It still remains open but with only 61 inmates.
  • Secure Communities Program

    -The Secure Communities Program was established. This allowed local law enforcement to check the immigration status of every person booked in a county or local jail-even if not ultimately convicted of a crime.
  • Recession

    -The Recession of 2008 occurred because of the events from 2001. Major worldwide economic downturn and is known as the worst recession since the Great Depression.
  • Veterans

    -Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act was created. The act was to expand the educational benefits for military veterans who have served since 9/11 as an effort to fund college expenses of veterans.
  • Suicide Market Bombing

    -(Feb)Suicide Market Bombing: Two disabled women strapped with explosives were sent into a crowded market and remotely detonated in Baghdad.
  • Fort Hood Mass Shooting

    -(Nov) Fort Hood Mass Shooting: worst mass murder at a U.S military base. The attacker pledged his allegiance to the mujaheddin, stating he wanted to die a maytr.
  • Underwear Bomber

    -(Dec) Underwear Bomber: A man tried to detonate a bomb hidden in his underwear on a flight into America but the device only ignited, didn’t detonate and passengers quickly stopped him from trying again.
  • Deportations

    -Deportations hit a record high: nearly 400,000 annually. (About half were convicted of a criminal offense, however most likely were low-level, nonviolent crimes
  • SUV in Times Square

    -(May) SUV in Times Square: An SUV filled with explosives parked in Times Square and attempted to detonate explosives however failed and was caught.
  • Patriot Act

    -Revisions of the Patriot Act were signed by Obama
  • Osama bin Laden

    -(May) Osama bin Laden was killed during an operation by U.S Special Forces
  • Bombing/Shooting

    -(July) Bombing/Shooting: Massive bomb exploded outside Norwegian prime Minister office while a shooting by the same group occurred at the same time in another area
  • How People were Feeling

    Everyone was distraught at the loss of loved ones/the number of people that died and most wanted to get revenge right away to those that committed the act. However, there was also a unity among the people that brought the nation together.
  • 9/11 Museum

    -(Sept. 11) National September 11 Memorial and Museum opened.
  • Iraq

    -(Dec.) Remaining Troops were pulled out of Iraq
  • Suicide Bombing

    -(Oct) Suicide Bombing: Pretending to be a police officer, a suicide bomber went off at the entrance to a mosque in Afghanistan.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    -(April) Boston Marathon Bombing: Set off pressure-cooker bombs during the Boston Marathon. The attackers claimed they were radicalized by an al Qaeda member.
  • Afganistan

    -War with Afghanistan ended (longest running war). Some troops remain there to help stem the ongoing Taliban insurgency.
  • Secure Communities Program

    -the Secure Communities program was officially phased out. Obama planned to phase the program out but by then ICE had established the program with every law enforcement jurisdiction in the nation.
  • Grenade attack

    -(July) Grenade attack, Bombing, Shooting: Boko Haram attacked Damboa, Nigeria using rocket-propelled grenades, homemade bombs and guns killing over 100 people.
  • Surveillance

    -Classified documents leaked by Edward Snowden at the expansion of how much America was being monitored and surveillance.
  • ISIS

    -(June) The state Department issued a terrorism report stating that ISIS was becoming a greater threat than al Qaeda.
  • Paris Attacks

    -(Nov) Paris Attacks: Several bombings and shooting throughout Paris/France occurred at the same time by ISIS
  • San Bernardino Attack

    -(Dec) San Bernardino Attack: Two people went to a military training camp and shoot it up, claiming to be inspired by Islamic terrorists.
  • Orlando Nightclub Shooting

    --(June) Orlando Nightclub Shooting: One of the deadliest U.S terrorist attacks since 9/11, a security guard shoot up a gay nightclub pledging his allegiance to the leader of ISIS.
  • Major Changes Since 2001

    deportation rate has doubled, surveillance and emergency preparedness techniques have greatly increased, the nation’s attitude and concerns about safety and vigilance has changed do to America’s involvement with the War on Terror and there has been a new generation of policies and agencies.
  • More Major Changes Since 2001

    Also, there has been an increase in people volunteering for the military with roughly 3.1 million between 2001 and 2011 mostly due to a lot of people volunteering right after 9/11 and nowadays as the 9/11 generation is coming of age. The last major change is that there is a great increase in hate groups and racism because of terrorism.
  • Emergency Preparedness Techniques

    Nowadays most building/government buildings have tighter security with examples such as office workers required to wear security badges, guests signing in and not allowing delivers to the office but being stopped at the front desk. In an airport/airline setting the tighter security is that the inspection has become greater and more detailed such as removing shoes, not allowing food and drink and randomly selecting passengers for an extensive screening.
  • How People are Feeling

    -How People are Feeling: Many people have fear, worry and anger at the thought that another major terrorist attack will happen soon. The nation still feels for those that lost loved ones and everyone that lost their life. There is also still a strong sense of patriotism connecting to this however less people trust the government because of past events.
  • Suicide Bombing

    -(Feb) Suicide Bombing: Suicide bomber went off and ripped through a protest crowd in Pakistan.