Period: to
World Trade Center Bombings
Oklahoma City Bombings
Bombing of USS Cole
Attacks on Washington and New York
President of Pakistan officially stated he was against the Taliban
U.S led invasian of Afghanistan
U.S passes PATRIOT Act
City of Kabul is won
1300 troops were involved in the offensive -
Official ban put on Jihadi organizations in Pakistan
Khalid Shakih Mohammed arrested in Pakistan for 2001 attacks on U.S
U.S led invasion of Iraq
Pakistani Army captures people involed in attack on U.S.S Cole
Saddam Hussein Captured
WMD search in Iraq ends
Saddam Hussein Hanged
Iraq holds 1st nationwide elections since 2005
Obama approves adding 17,000 troops in Afghanistan
Obama replaces top U.S. General in Afghanistan
10,000 Marines move into Afghanistan to fight Taliban
Fort Hood Massacre
Times Square Car Bomb
Foreign powers are involved in terrorist activites inside of Pakistan
Official end to U.S. Combat Operations in Iraq
Wikileaks Publishes Classified U.S. Military Logs
Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan