Term List Annotated Timeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    -A law signed by President James Monroe
    -Missouri was admitted as a slave state, and Maine as a free state
    -Was created to maintain a balance between slave states and free states
  • New York State officially abolishes slavery

    -New York was the first state to abolish slavery
    -Despite this, anti-black violence continued in New York, and the slave trade remained wildly successful there
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    -Also known as the Southampton Insurrection
    -A rebellion of enslaved Virginians
    -The rebellion led to the massacre of over 200 black people
    -Pro-slavery laws were tightened after the rebellion
    -Over 60 white people were killed
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    -A proposal to prohibit slavery expansion in new territories
    -The proposal was unsuccessful but caused tensions to rise even higher than before
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    -A battle for land, where Mexico was fighting for the land they believes to be theirs, and America was fighting for more of the disputed land of Texas
    -The Wilmot Proviso was a proposal regarding the newly acquired land in the Texas/Mexico region
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    -Required that slaves were returned to their owners, even if they were living in a free state
    -Fueled the abolitionist movement in the North, which angered southerners, creating more conflict
    -Part of the compromise of 1850
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    -A package of 5 separate bills passed by the United States Congress
    -Passed in an effort to settle disagreements over American Slavery
    -Strengthened the Fugitive Slave Act, which was hated by free states and abolitionists
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act & popular sovereignty

    -Created two new territories
    -Allowed for popular sovereignty
    -Popular sovereignty is the idea that the government is able to assert authority because the people give consent
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    -A series of violent confrontations in Kansas territory
    -Was caused by the debate on the legality of slavery in Kansas
    -Foreshadowed the violence of the Civil War
  • Brooks attacks Sumner

    Brooks attacks Sumner
    -Representative Preston Brooks used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner
    -In retaliation to a speech Senator Sumner gave, where he criticized slave owners, including one of Brooks’ relatives
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford (aka Dred Scott Case)

    -The Supreme court ruled that Americans of African descent were not American citizens
    -The Court also ruled that Congress did not have enough power to ban slavery in the U.S.
    -People of African descent were not able to sue in federal court
    -This was greatly upsetting to abolitionists
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    -7 debates that occurred between Abraham Lincoln and Senator Stephen Douglas
    -Some of the topics of these debates were slavery, race equality, emancipation, popular sovereignty, etc
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry

    Raid on Harpers Ferry
    -John Brown, an abolitionist, tried to organize a raid by taking prominent citizens hostage
    -The Raid failed, due to a lack of support
    -Was a big event leading up to the Civil War, because it created more unrest
  • South Carolina Seccesion

    South Carolina Seccesion
    -South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union after the 1860 election
    -South Carolina was a slave state and felt hostility from free states
    -Greatly contributed to the cause of the Civil War, because other states felt this was unfair
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    -An unusual election, because there were four strong candidates
    -Abraham Lincon won against John C. Breckinridge, Stephen A. Douglas, and John Bell
    -After the election the south felt they no longer had a voice in politics; thus leading to successions
    -One of the main topics of the election was slavery