Aug 30, 1500
The First Contact with the Europeans
The European's were more techologicly advanced then the Natives. The Natives and the Europeans both influenced eachother. -
Aug 30, 1500
Cabral Sailed to Brazil
Pedro Alvares Cabral is Portuguise. He is a navagator and an explorer. -
Period: Aug 30, 1500 to
Evolving Times of History
Aug 30, 1513
Balboa landed in Central America
Once Balboa landed in Central America, he then crossed land to see the Pacific Ocean. -
Aug 30, 1519
Magellan was the first to circle the world
During Magellan's voyage around the world, he proved that the earth was not flat but round. Magelllan was then murdered a few years later. His voyage lasted four years. (1519 - 1522) -
Aug 30, 1534
Jacques Cartiers First Voyage
Jacques Cartiers first voyage consisted of him exploring and mapping the Gulf of St- Lawerence. He then thought he had discovered gold but it was really fish, timber and furs. Jacques Cartier's voyage was succesfull since he did not come back empty handed, however Cartier was looking for precious metals. -
Aug 30, 1535
Jacques Cartiers Second Voyage
Jacques Cartiers second voyage consisted of him sailing up the St-Lawrence to reach Hochelaga and Stadacona. Today Stadacona is knwon as Quebec. The natives thankfully showed the Europeans how to survive winter and the deadly disease of scurvy. -
Sep 1, 1541
Jacques carters Third voyage
Jacuqes Cartiers second voyage consisted him up sailing up the Saint Lawrence river to Cape Rouge. He tried to set up a colony with Roberval, sadly however he was unsuccesful.This left New France untouched for 60 years. -
The Establishement of the First School
This first school was founded in 1598. In the years of 1653 Marguerite Bourgeoys began educaing the young adolescent girls. -
Voyage to Nova Scotia
The King of France was intrigued with the idea of setting up a new colony. He then sent up a voyage to Nova Scotia to discover a settlement called Port Royal. -
Establishment of the Quebecs trading poste
From the years of 1608 to 1609, Champlain founded the trading post near Stadacona (Quebec). -
Establishement of the Three Rivers.
Laviolette founded the three rivers which were an excellent spot for trading posts. -
Establishement of Montreal
Paul Chomedy de Maisonneuve founded Montreal, also known as Ville Marie. -
Initiation of the hoapital "Hotel Dieu"
Jeanne Mance was the iniator and head of the hospital " Hotel Dieu" The Catholic church funded this hospital. -
King Louis the 14th
Louis the 14th had taken the throne at the age of five. Louis the 14th had two main goals. He wanted to resolve the battles in Europe and to take control of his colonies. -
The Population Increased
Jean Talon was an intendant did two major activities in order to increase the population. He invited Les Filles du Roy, Hired Workers and the carignan saliere soldiers. He also put in order Birth incentives. -
Royal Goverment
This was the first Goverment structure of New France. The following positions in this strucutre are the King, Minister of Marine, the Soverign Coucil which entailed the Governor, Intendant, Bishop, and lastly the Captine of the Militia. Even though the King stayed in France, he had absolue monarchy. -
Establishment of Mississippi
Robert Lasalle was a French explorer who founded Mississippi which was then named La Louisiane. -
First Intercolonial war
The first Intercolonial war ended with the Treaty of Ryswick. It was the English against the French. -
Second Intercolinial war
The second Intercolinial war ended with the Treaty of Urtecht. It was the English against the French. -
The Third Intercolnial war
The Third Intercolonial war ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. It was the English agaist the French. -
The Fourth Inercolonial War
The Seven year war is from (1756-1763). The treaty of Paris ended the Seven year war. The French and English were against one another. This battle decides Quebec, Canada and American future. France had abandonned New France, and did not help them during the war. The English had a much greater population than the French. This war took place on the Planes of Abraham. -
Continuation of the fourth Intercolonial war
There were three theaters of battles; Great Lakes, Montreal and the St lawrance. The English ended up winning the battle since they had better tactics and skills. However, sadly, Montcalm and Wolfe were both fatallly wounded. -
Articles of Capitulation
The articles of capitulation are basicly the rules and regulations that everyone had to live and obey by untill the treaty is signed. There are four major rules, the French Mmilitia army can return home, the French Military must drop their weapons, people could practice the Roman Catholic religion however the Bishop had to leave and people who stayed in the colonie were turned into British subjects. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris ends the 7 year war. New France is given to the King of England except two small islands St.Pierre and Miquelon. This has created many different conflicts especially with fishing. -
The Royal Proclamation
The French did not like the Royal Proclamation, however the British did. The Royal Proclamation led to the king changing the colonies name to the province of Quebec, it decreased the borders of the St Lawrence, it created a new Civilian Goverment, the laws were changed into British laws, the township division of land replaced the seigneurial system, no bishop was allowed back in New France and Catholics were not allowed to hold public office. -
Quebec Act
The purpose of this act is to have the loyalty of the French in the case of war against the Americans. The French represented 99% of the population. This Act enlarges the area of Quebec, French civilian laws were instated, an elected assembly was denied, French members can be apointed to the council and the test act oath was present. The seignorial system was reinstated as well. -
The American Revolution
The Americans faught against the British in the American revolution since the British had given them unreasonable amount of taxes and unfair land deals. The French decided to remain neutral even though the church told them that they should allie with the british. This sprung two conseuqences on new france where 6000 loyalists immigrated into Canada and longer journeys for fur in the Northweast. -
The Treaty of Versailles
The Americans won the battle and are now part of an independant country.The American revolution ends with the Treaty of Versailles. -
The Constitutional Act
This act seperates Canada into Upper Canada and Lower Canada by using the Ottawa river. Lower Canada is for the French while upper Canada belongs to the English. Lower Canada has a much larger population. This act gives both Canadas a goverment system where there is a King, the British Parliament in which they both stay in France, and theres a Governor, an Executive council, Legislative council, Legislative assembly and then the regular population. -
Period of Change
During the 1800s, there were changes in the economy, transportation, trade and agriculture. In 1807, timber was the main export. The seigneuries were beginning to be overpopulated and the soil was unfertile. There were new tools being brought in Upper Canada. There was also a change in transportation having steam engines and railways built. -
Steam Power Engines
James Watt invented the Steam Engine in the year of 1802. The first steam engine to sail across the atlantic was in the year 1819. -
The war of 1812
During this war, the Americans were against the British. The Americans tried to take advantage of the British since the Napolean wars were in Europe. The Americans decided to try to attack Quebec, while the Americans and the French militia destroyed the Whitehouse. This war ended in stalemate. In 1783, the Americans are free from the British. The French and the loyalists felt secure as British subjects while the Americans were unhappy since they wanted more land. -
The Third wave of Immigrants
In 1815, the Irish Imigrants moved in Canada. Most moved into Upper Canada since they were English, however some moved into Lower Canada since they believed in Christianity. The reason for there journey was due to the massive potato famine in Ireland. -
Two Distinct Groups
In 1830s, there are two distinct groups. There is the British Party who is apart of the councils and want to tax on land. Then there is the Party Patriote who are apart of assemblys and want to tax on goods. -
92 Resolutions Russell
In 1834, Louis Joseph Patriote wrote the 92 resolutions to England in which he demanded a Responsible Goverment. A few years later John Russell responds in the 10 resolutions Russell in which he gave more power to the councils. -
The railways are an advancement in transportation. The railway system was in competiton with the steam ships. It took much less time to get from the Prairie to St Jeans. -
Lord Durham
Around the years of 1839 after the rebelllion, Lord Durham was sent into Canada to see how to prevent a further rebellion. He suggested to assimilate the French, unite both Canadas and put in a Responsible Goverment. -
Act of Union
The act of Union is the unting of both Upper and Lower Canadas in order to assimilate the French. This act also then puts one Goverment system in Quebec having 42 seats. The group that recieves the most seats, becomes the Prime Minister. The Prime minister can then elect his membesr to be apart of the Executif Council. Upper and Lower Canada must also share the debts amongst them. This act was suggsted by Lord Durham. -
Economic changes
In the years of 1850, Canada experienced many economical changes. The population expanded, Canada created its own currency, seignorial systems were abolished, railways were being built and communications improved. -
Treaty of Reciprocity
In 1854, Canada was no longer part of the preferencial trade system with Britian. Canada then partnered up with the U.S and and signed the Treaty of Reciprocity for ten years which ceased temporarily taxes on goods.