Tension between the north and south

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    slavery arrived in North America with an estimated 645,000 Africans
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    a slave named Nat Turner insided an uprising that spread through many plantations in southern Virginia
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    The Wilmot proviso

    this was a piece of legislation proposed by David Wilmot. If passed it would outlaw slavery in territories acquired by the US
  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise admitted that California as a free state and did not regulate slavery and strengthen the fugitive slave act.
  • Uncle Tom's cabin

    It was a second best selling book in America it brought the issue of slavery to life
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    bleeding Kansas

    the Kansas Nebraska act of 1854 established Kansas and Nebraska as territories. The residents of the territories decide if the state is to be free or enslaved
  • Dread Scott vs Sanford

    Scott was a Virginia slave who tried to sue for his freedom in court. The case rose to the level of the supreme court
  • Lincoln/Douglass debate

    Lincoln and Douglass engaged in 7 with public debates across the state of Illinois where they debated the issue of slavery
  • John Brown's raid

    John Brown supported violent action against the south to end slavery and played a major role in starting the civil war
  • Abraham Lincoln's Election

    Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 despite not being included on many southern ballots. His parties anti-slavery outlook struck fear into many southerners
  • the battle of Fort Sumter

    Lincolns strategy to fire the first shot of the civil war at the Battle of Fort Sumter