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20201029 105547

Future Tenses

  • Present Simple

    Present Simple
    What time is it? My buss arrives at 10:00 I have ten minutes to take it.
  • Present Continuos

    Present Continuos
    I'm watching a new tv serie called "The house of flowers" this night before go to sleep.
  • Be going to

    Be going to
    On Sunday I'm going to know my new nephew.
  • Will

    I will travel to Cartagena the next month to visit my brother.
  • Future Continuos

    Future Continuos
    By 2029 my younger brother will be finishing the high school.
  • Future Perfect Simple

    Future Perfect Simple
    By this time the next the year I will have bought a new smartphone.
  • Future Perfect Continuos

    Future Perfect Continuos
    When my brother comes back to his house, he will been living with us for three months.