Jan 1, 1100
Tennis Begins
Tennis is most often credited with beginning the in twelfth century. It was said that Monks would play games over a rope with a ball of the sort. Some historians say it began in the eleventh century, but what we are quite sure of is that it came from the Monks of France. IMAGE FROM: http://www.omgfacts.com/lists/7013/Do-you-know-who-invented-tennis-The-answer-will-surprise-you-ab731-6 -
Jan 1, 1500
Tennis Rackets
It is said that by the year 1500 Tennis Rackets were developing into existense. This changed the game of Tennis because from then on it became the identifying "item" of Tennis. When we think of Tennis today we picture a Tennis racket, and while they only started using a Tennis Racket for comfort- it revolutionized Tennis as a sport. INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm IMAGE: https://www.sellsproperty.com/bethany/area-info/sports-complexes-and-stadiums -
"Real" Tennis Courts
Tennis courts have developed a lot since the French Monks started the game back in the twelfth century. In 1625 England's Hampton Court was created and there are very few of this type still today. We currently use "Lawn" Tennis Courts, but "Real' Tennis Courts were still important in the developing od the modern Tennis Court. INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm
IMAGE: http://www.irishrealtennis.ie/Champ2011/closed.html -
New Tennis Balls
After the popularity of Tennis decreased in the 1700s to almost nothing, in 1850 when Charles Goodyear aided in creating an improved rubber, the game of Tennis had a come back. This time, Tennis used a bouncier ball and it started developing into more outdoor based courts. INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm IMAGE: http://nintendo.wikia.com/wiki/File:MTO_Tennis_Ball.png -
Tennis Becomes Official
In the year 1874 the equipment and rules for a game similar to Tennis were patented by Major Walter C. Wingfield. This made Tennis more official. This was also the year that Tennis courts started appearing in America. INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm IMAGE: http://tennispride.com/basic-tennis-equipmentwhat-need-get-started/ -
Tennis Worldwide
Tennis began appearing as a sport in many other countries, this changed Tennis because now more people throughout the entire world were playing it, increasing the popularity and drawing more attention to it. INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm IMAGE: http://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/tennis-ball-world-map.html -
First Wimbledon Tournament
This Tournament brought together the official rules of Tennis and established the court requirements we go off of today, all created by the Wimbledon Committee. There were only a few altercations to the net guidelines (more on that later) INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm IMAGE: http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/wimbledon-2014-how-can-watch-3746818 -
Final Changes
The last of the changes to the net requirements were in 1882 and that is what we still use today. INFORMATION: http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-of-tennis.htm IMAGE: http://www.stevegtennis.com/tag/famous-tennis-quotes/ -
Women's Championship
The first National Women's Championship for Tennis was held six years after the first Male National Championship. This was important to the game of tennis because it made it a unisex sport that is now commonly played by both men and women. INFORMATION: http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/sports/tennis-history.html IMAGE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennis -
The Davis Cup
This is a Women's Cup that is the equivalent of the Male, Federation Cup. This tournament, along with many others in this time frame helped establish a strong female role in the Tennis community. INFORMATION: http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/sports/tennis-history.html IMAGE:http://blogs.democratandchronicle.com/her-community/?attachment_id=17811