Ten Important Astronauts

  • Yuri Gagrin

    Yuri Gagrin
    This Russian man can command a spaceship better than Tony Hawk can command a skateboard. He was the first man to orbit earth on April 12, 1961.
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    10 Importan Astronauts

  • Valentina Tereshkova

    Valentina Tereshkova
    After a countdown that lasted 2 hours it must have felt great for Valantina Tereshkova to be the first woman in space on June 16, 1963
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    Though they were on the same Apollo mission, I believe that Neil Armstrong is more important than Buzz Aldrin because he was the first man to walk on the moon. Ship launched on July 16, 1969
  • Buzz Aldrin

    Buzz Aldrin
    Often confused for Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Aldrin is also very important because he did a lot of work on Apollo 11. Shuttle launched on July 16, 1969
  • Micheal Collins

    Micheal Collins
    Many people are not familiar with this astronaut he is very important. If it weren't for him Apollo 11 probably wouldn't have been launched. Shuttle launched on July 16, 1969
  • Marc Garneau

    Marc Garneau
    He was the first Canadian in space. What else can I say. That is one amazing accomplishment ever. Ship launched in 1984
  • Steven McLean

    Steven McLean
    This Canadian astronaut is the current president of the Canadian Space Agency. I have to say that is a pretty good accomplishment. Ship launched in 1992
  • Roberta Bondar

    Roberta Bondar
    This women is a very accomplished astronaut because she was the first Canadian woman to walk on the moon. Ship launched in January, 1992
  • Dave Williams

    Dave Williams
    I mainly chose to put Dave Williams on this list because he was the only astronaut I could find that was born and grew up in Saskatoon. He also made 3 spacewalks in one 12 day mission. First ship launched in 1998.
  • Guy Laliberté

    Guy Laliberté
    He was the first Canadian space tourist ever. Not only that, but he was also the first professional artist to be in space. First shuttle launched in September 2009