The First Slaves
Colonists began to see indentured servants as too costly and in 1619, Dutch traders brang the first African captives to Jamestown.This historically marks the early planting of the seeds of the American Salve trade. What started as indentured servants later became slavery which will later led to the Civil War -
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What started it and what ended it
The Pennsylvania Society for The Abolition of Slavery
"The Society for The Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage" is the first organized Anti-Slavery society created in the colonies.Led by James Pemberton and at some point later elected Benjamin Franklin as the society's president and would be asked to take the matter to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and would later petion the U.S Congress in 1790 to ban slavery.It was the first organized stand to fight and ban Slavery which would led to the Civil War -
The Declaration of Independance
The UNited States declares that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that amongst these are Life, Liberty, and the pursue of Happiness".However, Slavery remains legal in the colonies and the irony in these words made slaves feel betrayed and forgotten and create a harsh feeling which helped led the way to the Civil War -
Virginia's stand
The Virginia legislature passes a law, with the support of Thomas Jefferson, that bans the importation of slaves into Virgina.It is the first state to ban the slave trade,to which all other states will follow.This event made the importation of slaves look like a penal offense which would change other state's view of Slavery,which would help led to the Civil War -
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was an act that guaranteed the right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave which would give effect of the Fugitive Slave Cause if the U.S Constitution. Now all escaped slaves would have to return to their owners if caught no matter where they were,either Slave or Free States. This only increased the struggle for slaves to become free and would stenghten the cause of abolitionists which would help led to the Civil War -
The Liberator
Abolitionist William Goyd Harrison begins publishing "The Liberator" that earned nationwide popularity for its advocacy of "immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves" in the United States.It is at this point that abolitionism takes a radical and religious turn and many abolitionists begin to demand immediate emancipation of slaves.This leds to the Civil War even closer than before. -
The Mexican-American War ends
The Mexican-American War ends with the signing of the TReaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which confirms the Texas border with Mexico and the U.S possesion of California and the New Mexico territory.The Wilmot Proviso,which says that all slavery would be banned in territory aquired from Mexico from the war, was rejected from the Senate,This event wakes up the idea of how the Senate would be balanced with this new aquired territory which would led to the Civil War even closer than ever. -
The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad was a network secret routes and safe houses used by slaves to escape to free states with the aid of abolitionists.This "railroad" was created by Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave who chose to return and help her people.This increases the problem of runaway slaves who are being helped even more than ever to escape slavery with the help from people like Harriet Tubman and abolitionists which causes the conflicts that would led to the Civil War. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Dred Scott, a slave from Virginia that escaped from his owner (Eerson) reached the North and sued him in a Missouri Court.But the U.S Supreme Court reaches the decision that COngress lacks the power to exclude slavery from the territories,and that slaves are properties and have no rights.This infuriated everyone on the slave side and heats up the problem that will led to the Civil War -
Abraham Lincoln becomes president.
By the time of Lincoln's inaguration,seven states have seceded before Lincoln could do anything,fearing that he will affect or even remove slavery.The Confederate States of America have been formally established and the North and the South will face eachother leading and ultimately starting the Civil War