Temperance Tieline

  • Period: to


    Banned the making of whiskey in Connecticut. It started the creation of other similar organizations
  • Temperance Association in Connecticut

    Influenced by Benjamin Rush, a small group of farmers came together to ban the making of whiskey because of the ideas instilled in them that it was bad for their physchological and physical health. This was the first of many to come.
  • Virginia Association

    Very similar to the Temperance in Connecticut, an association in Virginia also formed to ban the making of whiskey. This event was followed by few other associations in different states that eventually led to 8 states having temperance movememnts.
  • American Temperance Society

    Made people sign a temperance pledge. Pictures, pamphlets, and lectures were used to dissuade drinkers
  • Maine Law of 1851

    Neal Dow of Maine was an employer of labor who disliked the use of alcohal because of his workers coming to work drunk. Dow sponsored the Maine Law of 1851 which prohibited the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor
  • Prohibitory Laws

    Many states began realize the consequences of liquor and too began to prohibit the manufacture and sale of it in the state. By 1857, about a dozen states had passed prohibitory laws