Telling Time Throughout History

By eastro
  • 3000 BCE


    A vertical structure with four sides used as a shadow clock
  • 500 BCE


    A water clock that used the flow of water to measure time.
  • 300


    A flat circle with a 12 hour clock face and a gnomon (vertical marker).
  • 520

    Candle Clock

    Notches were made in candles and the candle then lit, each notch representing a period of time.
  • Dec 1, 1001

    Hourglass Timer

    Two upright containers joined with a narrow opening and a material inside one container, marking time by this material running out when being flipped over.
  • Dec 1, 1300

    Mechanical Clock

    Clock using a system of weights and balances to mark out increments of time over a 12 hour period.
  • Dec 1, 1400


    Portable timepiece that people could carry and wear.
  • Clock with Pendulum

    A clock using a rod like weight that swings side to side and measures minutes and seconds.
  • Digital Watch

    A watch that displays the time digitally, in numerical form.