Television Timeline

  • The First Television

    Made by Philo Taylor Farnsworth
  • First commercially produced Television

    First commercially produced Television
    This was the first television to be released into the public. It was owned by Charles Francis Jenkins
  • First T.V Program

    The first official broadcast was WNBT/baseball game. They also aired their first advertisement on NBC.
  • First Remote Control

    First Remote Control
    This was called the Tele zoom. It would only zoom in and out of the screen. Made by Nikola Telsa.
  • Color T.V

    Color T.V
    The first color T.V came out. Few people owned color TV sets. It was released 1954-1965. They tried, but couldn't succeed for 20 years.
  • Screen Changes

    Screen Changes
    They started making "giant screen projection television". This was a bigger screen and is more like the TV that we use now.
  • VHS

    The first VHS was released to the media. It was made by Victor Company in Japan.
  • DVD

    First DVD was made. It eventually took over the VHS. IT was made by Sony Corporation, Phillips, Panasonic, Toshilba.