Begining of TV
Scientist started working on electronics to make life better. -
First picture transfer
Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented the Pantelegraph. -
Idea of TV
George Carey thinks up the TV -
First Television
The first television was seen at the 1900 World Fair in Paris -
TV was tested
The first long distance TV test was conducted between Washington D.C and New York -
First TV station
The first TV station was named W3XK. -
First Australian TV broadcast
TV revolution
200 TV sets were in use -
First major TV network
CBS became the first major TV network -
Coloured TV
Coloured TV was finally released -
Broadcasting Act
The Menzies government provideslegislative framework for commercial TV licenses -
First Australian television licences were issued
ABC begins broadcasting in Sydney -
Summer Olympics in Melbourne is shown on TV -
Mainstream tv was launched
Colour TV in Australia
Colour TV test transmissions are made for the first time in Australia -
TV from the Moon
Neil Armstrong use a camera to show the whole world his trip to the moon. -
Colour TV becomes comercial
Colour TV is introduced across the country -
Commercial Television
The peak of commercial television arose. -
Flat Screen TV
Panasonic developed the flat screen -
Foxtel founded in Australia
Analogue became Digital
The shutdown of analogue broadcasts to didgital broadcasts took place