
  • TVs were invented

  • Period: to

    FCC starts to add More channels

  • FCC places restrictions on what can be shown

  • Color TV becomes a thing

  • HBO comes out

    HBO comes out
    First Movie channel becomes a thing
  • ESPN becomes a thing

    ESPN becomes a thing
    the first only sports channel
  • Video Home Systems (VHS) Come out

    it makes movies and tv shows more assessable
  • the Cartoon Network comes out

    it made cartoons in to a channel which has made its way into what we consider common stuff
  • Close Captioning

    Makes it so hard of hearing and deaf people can understand TV more
  • First 3D TV

    3D TV a TV that makes the stuff pop off the screen to a viewer
  • Period: to

    Streaming becomes a thing

    Streaming sites such as Hulu, ESPN+, Disney+, Peacock, Paramount+, HBO max, Prime Video and Netflix
    • Paramount+ is owned by CBS
    • Peacock is owned by NBC
    • ESPN+ is owned by the Walt Disney companies
    • Disney+ is owned by the Walt Disney companies
    • Hulu is owned by the Walt Disney companies
    • Prime Video is owned by Amazon
    • HBO Max is owned by Warner Bros Media
    • I couldn't find an owner for Netflix