Tv bars


By Biocarp
  • Paul Nipkow creates first image displayer

    Paul Nipkow creates first image displayer
    It sends images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology calling it the electric telescope with 18 lines of resolution.
  • Lee de Forest invents the Mechanical Television System

    Lee de Forest invents the Mechanical Television System
    The Audion vacuum tube that proved essential to electronics. The Audion was the first tube with the ability to amplify signals
  • Fisrt long distance tv

    Fisrt long distance tv
    Bell Telephone and the U.S. Department of Commerce conduct the first long distance use of television that took place between Washington D.C. and New York City on April 7th.
  • First commerical and regular aired tv

    First commerical and regular aired tv
    Charles Jenkins broadcasts the first TV commercial. The BBC begins regular TV transmissions.
  • High defintion tv

    High defintion tv
    CBS begins its TV development. The BBC begins high definition broadcasts in London.
  • Color tv is demorsted to public

    Color tv is demorsted to public
    Peter Goldmark, working for CBS, demonstrated his color television system to the FCC. His system produced color pictures by having a red-blue-green wheel spin in front of a cathode ray tube.
  • Cable is invented

    Cable is invented
    Cable television is introduced in Pennsylvania as a means of bringing television to rural areas.
  • A billion TV sets world-wide

    A billion TV sets world-wide
    An avergae one to two tv sets per house in america