things needed
Things they needed before they invented the television. They needed electricity, moving pictures, channels, radio, screens, seakers, lots of plugs many more things. -
Who made it
The person who made the telecision was Philo Farnsworth. He was born in Bever, Utah. He was born on August 19, 1906 and died in Salt Lake City March 11, 1971. When he was about 14 he sketched the tv. -
tv shows back then
They had lots of weastern movie, The Kid, Play Ball Babe Ruth, The Horse Soldiers, Auntie Mame, Charles Chapline and The Goldrush -
What did the first television look like
The first Television look really small like a square box, and a nobe to change the channal and to turn on and off the tv, and the tv had black and white pictures, there was lots of cords going into the wall. -
What we can watch now
We can watch a lot more movies now and there is a way more color in the movies. Now we have DVD's insted of VHS. The DVD's are a lot faster because you don't need to rewind the movie to watch it again. -
The modern day now tv
The tv now is different because there is remotes, you can use the internet, you don't normally need antanas, they are flat screen in sted of a box, there is a DVD player, you can plug things into them