beginning of Television
Discovery of the Photoconduvtivity of element selenium by Willoughby Smith -
Inventon of scanning disk
by Paul Gottlieb Nipkow -
Coined the word television in a paper
In a paper by Constantin Perskyi he coined the word television to read to the international Electricity Congress at the international World Fair in Paris. -
First public demenstration of televised silhouette images in motion
He was a Scottish inventor John Logie Barid. At Selfridge's Departemnt Store in Londen. -
Widely recognized as being the worlds first demonstration of a working television system
In Soho, Londen at his laboratory.This was just the beginning of strating to see just the face. -
Demenstration of televised moving images
By John Logie Baird's -
Electronic television first demenstrated
In San Francisco, they system was desinged by Philo Taylor Fransworth. -
Transmitted a singal over 438 miles (705 km)
It was a telephone line between Londen and Glasgow. -
Brodcasted the first transatlantic television singal
It was from Londen to New York. Also the fisrt shore-to-ship transmission. -
Firsr TV Station
First TV lisence given to Charles Jakins. (stations name W3XK) -
First outdoor broadcast of the Espom,Derby
Bari and Bernard Natan of Pathe. They established Frances first television Company. -
First commerical to broadcast on TV. -
CBS starts devloping the station. -
Worldwide tv advertising
On August 1, 1957 more countries worldwide allowed it then forbid it. -
Videotapes and cable
There were 525 cable Tvs. Serving over 450,000 subcrictions in the U.S. -
Color tv goes big
NBC begins the first to use " The Full Color Network." -
Ban on Ciggerate advertising
The congressional band on radio and tv. -
Advertising Booms
Gross advertising revenue rise to 7.5 billion. -
The Childrens Act
It limited the amout of commericals in childrens Tv promgramming. Also to meet some of the kids educational needs. -
Digital Satellite Dishes
It was realased in mid January. became the biggest sellling electrionc in history. Along with the VCR. -
Flat screen and HDTV
They came out with flat screen and HDTV. When they first came out they were very expensive. -
3D TV came out but you would be LCD glasses to see. -
Invention of the video recorder
They allowed them to record videos and movies. But mainly used for Sorting scienitfic data.