First TV Was Produced
First TV was produced by 21 year old Philo Farnsworth. -
Experimental Broadcast Television Was Introduced
Network TV Was Introduced
Biggest Shows Were Premeired
Shows like "The Ed Sullivan Show" were on TV's all around Americs. -
A GIrl Fell Into a Well
A girl fell into a well in Los Angeles and was televised, showing that TV can inform people about local news. -
Over 7 Million TV Sets In America
The News Was Introduced to TV
The Same Program Could Be Viewed All Around The World
44 Million People Watched "I Love Lucy"
Comedy TV Was Introduced
First Black Actors/Actresses Were Aired
Westerns and Urban Sitcoms Flourished
Educational Shows Were Introduced
Example: Sesame Street -
Olympic Games In Munich Was Aired
A Hostage Crisis of Americans in Iran Was Aired