
By luisakv
  • First Still Image Transferred

    Abbe Giovanna Caselli invents his Pantelegraph and becomes the first person to transmit a still image over wires.
  • theorize about telephone devices that transmit image as well as sound

    theorize about telephone devices that transmit image as well as sound
    Inventors Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison theorize about telephone devices that transmit image as well as sound.
  • 18 Lines of Resolution

    Paul Nipkow sends images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology calling it the electric telescope with 18 lines of resolution.
  • cinematograph capable of projecting moving pictures

    Louis and Auguste Lumière patent the cinematograph capable of projecting moving pictures and on December 28 show the first motion pictures at the Grand Cafe on the Boulevard Des Capucines
    April 23: Thomas Edison shows the first motion pictures in the USA in Koster and Bial's Music Hall in New York
  • First Mechanical Television System

    Lee de Forest invents the Audion vacuum tube that proved essential to electronics. The Audion was the first tube with the ability to amplify signals.
    Boris Rosing combines Nipkow's disk and a cathode ray tube and builds the first working mechanical TV system.
  • Early Electronic Systems

    Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray tubes to transmit images. Independent of each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods of reproducing images.
  • 1st long-distance transmission of a live picture and voice simultaneously.

    Bell Laboratories and the Department of Commerce held the 1st long-distance transmission of a live picture and voice simultaneously.
    Philo Farnsworth patents the Image Dissector, the first complete electronic television system and transmits the first all-electronic television image John Logie Baird set up the Baird Television Development Company Ltd making the first television programmes for the BBC
  • Television is introduced in the United States

    Television is introduced in the United States
    Television is introduced in the United States