The First Telescope Inventor
Hans Lippershey -
Galileo Galilei Invents HIs Own Telescope
When Galileo heard about that Lippershey was inventing a telescope, he decided to make his own and discovered Jupiter's four moons. -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo was the first person to study the sky with a telescope. -
Niccolo Zucchi
Niccolo invented a spherical mirror which allowd to see further into space using a telescope. -
Christian Huygens
He built a really powerful telescope which allowed to view planets in our solar system. -
Newton's Reflecting Telescope
Newton's telescope is one of the first known working reflective telescopes. Although he made the telescope to study optics instead of the sky. -
Mount Wilson Observatory
This observatory was built in Los Angeles, CA and was built by Hale. Contains two important telescopes the Hooker and Hale. -
The Hubble Space Telescope
The Hubble was lauched into Earth's orbit in 1990 and is still there. It allows us to view pictures of Earth's atmosphere. Some main insturments are near ultraviolet, near infrared spectra and visible. This telescope is named after Edwin Hubble. -
George Ellery Hale
He is most famously known for discovering magnetic fields in sunspotsand helping build many telescopes. -
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
Otherwise known as WMAP, is used to measure differences in the sky and temperature of cosmic microwave background (radiant heat left over from the Big Bang.) Directed by a proffesor from John Hopkins University named Charles Bennett.