Hans Lippershey invents the first telescope
Hans Lippershey was an eyeglass maker who invented the first telescope. This telescope only magnified to three times as much as our naked eye can see. -
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Telescope Advances and Discoveries
Galileo's discoveries
Galileo used the basic telescope to discover that moons revolved around Jupiter. He then used this information to discover every planet reveloves around our sun, and thought our sun was the center of the universe. -
Newton dicoveries a better way to see deeper into space
Sir Isaac Newton found out that using a mirror in a telescope to reflect the light can eliminate the rainbow colors that astronomers saw in previous telescopes. -
Herschel's discoveries
Willam Herschel used a bigger verion of Newton's telescope to discover uranus. He also thought the Milky Way galaxy was the whole universe. -
Mt. Wilson
The Mt. Wilson observitory was built in California by Geroge Hale. The world's biggest reflecting telescope is held here and astronomers used this telescope to find out that the universe is expanding and there are more galaxies other than the Milky Way. -
Edwin Hubble's discoveries
EdwinHubble worked at the Mt.Wilson observetory and discovered the red shift and that the universe is expanding. These discoveries led to the Big Bang Theory. -
Penzius and Wilson
Astronomers Penzius and Wilson discovered Cosmic Background Radiation, which is also evidence for the Big Bang Theory. -
The Hubble Space Telesope
The Hubble space telescope was launched in April 24th, 1990.This is one one of the largest telesopes we use today. This telescope took pictures nebuli, looking back in time. -
The Wilkinson Microwave anisotropy probe (WMAP) was a spacecraft mission sent out to try and measure the actual size of the universe and to get a better look at cosmic background radiation left over from the bing bang. -
Kepler Telescope
The Kepler Space craft is a telescope launched into space on march 7, 2009. This telescope was launched looking for more planets in the universe that could support life, like Earth. The telescope has not found any Earth-like planets so far.