
By MarcusP
  • Long distance semaphore telegraph line

    Long distance semaphore telegraph line
    Claude Chappe, a French engineer, accomplished the first formal semaphore telegraph line. Common systems include signal towers with special installations or hand-held flags. The meaning of the signal is determined by the position of the elements, such as the flags. The signal can be read when it is in a stable position.
  • Electric Telegraph

    Electric Telegraph
    Samuel Thomas von Sommering, a German inventor created the first electric telegraph based on an experiment
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel F. B. Morse invented Morse code, which was used during WW2 as the primary communication between allies.
  • Electric Telephone

    In the 1870s, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell independently designed electronic devices to transmit speech. Both men rushed their respective designs for these prototype telephones to the patent office within hours of each other. Bell patented his telephone first and later emerged the victor in a legal dispute with Gray.
  • Wireless telegraphy

    Wireless telegraphy
    Guglielmo Marconi invents wireless telegraphy. Wireless telegraphy is when the radio's transmissions are used rather than wire to send telegraphic messages.
  • Transcontinental Telephone Call

    Transcontinental Telephone Call
    Alexander Graham Bell created this type of telecommunication.
  • Direct-dial telephone

    Direct-dial telephone
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    In 1973, Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola demonstrated the first mobile phone, which weighed 1 kg. This was an innovation of radiophones, which were heavily used during WW2.
  • Smart Phones

    Smart Phones
    The smartphone is an innovation of the cell phone. This innovation included text messaging, email, FaceTime, and internet access. The appearance of a mobile phone has also changed over time, becoming lighter and thinner in width.