
  • Orville Wright invents the airplane

    Orville Wright invents the airplane
    Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with their first powered aircraft.
  • Pual Comu Flies the first Helicopter

    Pual Comu Flies the first Helicopter
    He piloted this construction himself at Normandy, . Previously, a French helicopter, the Breguet-Richet Gyroplane. He had managed to lift off under its own power
  • Glen H. Curtis first to travel over a mile in aircraft.

    Glen H. Curtis first to travel over a mile in aircraft.
    He made the first public flight in America, covering a distance of 318 feet, 11 inches, before it went down on one wing and crashed.
  • First transcontinental mail service

    First transcontinental mail service
    First transcontinental mail service arrives in New York from San Francisco. The trip took 33 hours and 20 minutes
  • First turbo propeller airliners were introduced

    First turbo propeller airliners were introduced
    The jets didn't have an easy time to begin with due to pressurisation accidents and a false start to the Jet Age.
  • Aircraft had a lot of technological progress in speed, and altitude

    Aircraft had a lot of technological progress in speed, and altitude
    Passenger aircrafts were made a lot safer. Fuel could not be taken for granted, also security improved on Aircrafts.
  • Aircraft has improved a lot over time.

    Aircraft has improved a lot over time.
    New aircrafts have been made, with a lot of new improvements. From security to speed. Aircrafts have changed a lot from 1903 to 2016