Atlantic Telegraph Cable

  • Cyrus Field Invented the Atlantic Telegraph.

    Cyrus Field Invented the Atlantic Telegraph.
    Cyrus Field wanted to connect North America and Europe with the telegraph.
  • The first telegraph cable to cross the Atlantic Ocean failed after working for a few weeks.

    The first telegraph cable to cross the Atlantic Ocean failed after working for a few weeks.
    The telegraph failed the first try.
  • Another failed attempt was made in the summer 1865

    Another failed attempt was made in the summer 1865
    The telegraph failed the second try.
  • The Great Eastern steamed from England with new cable aboard.

    The Great Eastern steamed from England with new cable aboard.
    The boat went to England.
  • Defying superstition, on a Friday the 13th the fifth attempt since 1857 to lay the cable began.

    Defying superstition, on a Friday the 13th the fifth attempt since 1857 to lay the cable began.
  • A tangle in the cable had to be sorted out.

    A tangle in the cable had to be sorted out.
    The cable was tangled in the ocean.
  • The Eastern reached Canada.

    The Eastern reached Canada.
    The cable reached Canada.
  • The Europe and North America connection was steady.

    The Europe and North America connection was steady.
    the two continents have been in contact to present day.
  • A fully functional cable was place that connected Europe to North America.

    A fully functional cable was place that connected Europe to North America.
    The telegraph seceded the third try.
  • Today's telegraph are in newpaper form.

    Today's telegraph are in newpaper form.
    The telegraph newspaper sends messages about what's going on in the world.