
Teddy Roosevelt Timeline Project

  • TR the Rough Rider at San Juan Hill

    TR the Rough Rider at San Juan Hill
    The Roosevelt Rough Riders were a group of soldiers who fought in the Spanish-American War. The soldiers were known for their bravery and skills on horseback. The soldiers led a series of charges up towards San Juan.
  • TR 1st time named President

    TR 1st time named President
    Roosevelt was the Vice President to the 25th president, William McKinley. McKinley was later assassinated on September 14, 1901, leaving the presidential seat to Roosevelt.
  • TR and the Northern Securities Case

    TR and the Northern Securities Case
    Teddy Roosevelt created newspaper headlines as a trust buster when he ordered the Justice Department to sue the Northern Securities Company, which had established a monopoly over northeastern railroads
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    The Coal Strike was an organized strike, or refusal of work, by the United Mine Workers of America in eastern Pennsylvania. They wanted higher wages and shorter work days.
  • National Reclamation Act

    National Reclamation Act
    This Act was essentially just a big plan to make sure that water was available for people and farms throughout the country. The Act helped build dams and irrigation systems in places where water was scarce.
  • Elkins Act is passed

    Elkins Act is passed
    The Elkins Act prohibited railroad companies from giving rebates or refunds to businesses that ship out huge amounts of goods, which gave power to those businesses to lower the prices.
  • Wins first full term as President

    Wins first full term as President
    Teddy Roosevelt had been vice president to McKinley for only 194 days before McKinley was assassinated. He ran for president to continue his streak and easily won the election
  • Yosemite is under federal control

    Yosemite is under federal control
    Roosevelt camped in Yosemite Natural Park with John Muir, a journalist, for 3 days. On this trip, Muir convinced Roosevelt to remove control of the nearby valley and grove from California and return it to the federal government
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection  Act
    The Meat Inspection Act prohibited and stopped the selling of adulterated or dirty livestock products. This Act ensured sanitary slaughtering, butchering, and processing of livestock.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    The Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act made sure that the food and medicine we take in is safe and won't make anyone sick. It implemented rules and standards for companies to follow. The Meat Inspection act is known as it's companion bill
  • Leaves Presidency; Visits Africa

    Leaves Presidency; Visits Africa
    Roosevelt ended his presidency on March 4, 1909. He visited Africa from 1909-1911. The Roosevelt expedition was sponsored. Roosevelt was there to hunt large animals, which would later be stuffed.
  • TR Runs for presidency in Bull-Moose Party

    TR Runs for presidency in Bull-Moose Party
    Roosevelt had decided to run for a third term as president. Republicans wanted Roosevelt, but Taft had the advantage of being the holder of office. Taft supporters replaced Roosevelt delegates with Taft delegates. Republican progressives refused to vote and formed a third party, the Progressive Party. They nominated Roosevelt for president.