Theodore Roosevelt is born
Teddy Roosevelt was born in New York city on October 27, 1858. His parents were Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt Sr. and Martha "Mittie" Bulloch. His father was of Dutch descent and his mother was a southern belle. http://www.biography.com/people/theodore-roosevelt-9463424#synopsis -
Named President when McKinley is assassinated
President McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901 by Leon Czolgosz. He was at a Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo, New York when he was shot. He was rushed to the hospital where they found 2 bullet wounds and rushed him into surgery. He seemed to be healing on the 12th, however he later died on the 14th due to gangrene in the internal wound making Teddy Roosevelt president. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/president-william-mckinley-is-shot -
Energy Crisis
A potential coal strike in the coal fields of Pennsylvania. When President Roosevelt heard about this he sent telegrams to both ide of the argument asking them to come to Washington to work it out. Roosevelt had no legal right to intervene, however he could and did urge both sides to work it out. https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/coalstrike -
Elkins Act Passed
This bill was named for Senator Stephen B. Elkins who brought the bill before the senate. This bill no longer allowed railroads to issue rebates. The bill was brought before the senate in 1902 and passed in early 1903 with a vote of 250 to 6. http://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Capitalism-and-Labor/The-Elkins-Act.aspx -
Pelican Island, Florida; named 1st Wildlife Refuge
President Roosevelt established Pelican Island as the first federal bird reservation with the encouragement of Frank Chapman and the Florida Audubon Society. Paul Kroegel was named the first warden of Pelican Island. https://www.fws.gov/refuge/pelican_island/about/history.html -
Wins 1st full term as President
Roosevelt first became president in 1901 when the former President McKinley was assassinated. TR, however did not serve a full term until his reelection in 1904. He was known for anti-monopoly policies and ecological conservationism. http://www.biography.com/people/theodore-roosevelt-9463424#synopsis -
Yosemite under Federal Control
The Yosemite Valley was regranted to the United States as well as the land containing "Mariposa Big Tree Grove" https://www.nps.gov/yose/learn/management/enabling_leg.htm -
Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
The Pure Food and Drug Act was passed on June 30, 1906 and was a preventative act for "the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes." https://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Legislation/ucm148690.htm -
Devil's Tower, Wyoming; named 1st National Monument
A bill was introduced on July 1, 1892 to establish Devil's Tower as a National Park, however it was read over and Congress took no further action. In June 1906 a new opportunity to protect the Tower was offered with the Antiquities Act of 1906. President Theodore Roosevelt finally established Devil's Tower Wyoming as the first national monument on September 24, 1906 https://www.nps.gov/deto/learn/historyculture/first-fifty-years-monument-established.htm -
Leaves Presidency, visits Africa
After decided not to run for a third term in the presidency he set out for Africa. The reason for this excursion was to hunt big game and collect specimens for the Smithsonian. The safari included his son Kermit Roosevelt and 250 porters and guides. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/tr.htm -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose refuge
Roosevelt was nominated as the presidential candidate for the Bull-Moose party by the progressive party. Roosevelt's platform was the "Square Deal" which was based on fair business competition and increased welfare. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/teddy-roosevelt-nominated-as-bull-moose-candidate