Yosemite under Federal Control
Fishing and hunting organizations urged local governments to restrict corporations from violating America's natural resources. They wanted to protect Yosemite so that no one could destroy it. -
Rough Rider at San Juan Hill
The Rough Riders that were at the Battle of San Juan Hill were Theodore Roosevelt's troops. They are Western Cowboys and Eastern Blue Bloods. In the battle the Rough Riders and the black soldiers of the 9th and 10th Cavalry regiments were the first up the Kettle Hill. -
Named President when McKinley is assassinated
On September 6, 1901 President McKinley was shot and died. The man who shot him was named Leon Czolgosz. McKinley was shot in the chest where it hit his sternum and then in the abdomen. It was not until September 12 when he died. That moment that he passed away President Roosevelt was sworn into Presidency. -
The Coal strike
In 1902 President Roosevelt heard about a great strike which threatened a coal famine. Once he heard about this he feared and told other people that this could cause riots and start a social war. He decided to send out telegrams to both sides summoning them to come to the White House to figure out all of the information. He told both sides to make sacrifices for the good. Then Andrew Jackson became the president and he was the peacemaker. He solved everything that happened when Roosevelt ran. -
Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge roosevelt
Many different types of birds are being slaughtered so a man named Mr. Kroegel. He urged President Teddy Roosevelt to make them stop. President Roosevelt ended up signing an Executive Order that says that three-acres on Pelican Island cannot be messed with because it is a sanctuary for the birds. -
Elkins Act Passed
The Elkins Act was passed in 1903. The law was passed by congress because they wanted to cause a penalty on the railroad workers that offered rebates and customers. This law strengthened the Interstate Commerce ACT of 1887. Railroads favored the act because it prevented loss of revenue. This Act also made it a misdemeanor for a carrier to impose rebates. -
Wins first full term as President
In 1904 Theodore Roosevelt won his first full term as president. Roosevelt's victory made him the first president who ascended to the presidency upon the death of his predecessor to win a full term in his own right. He won 56.4% of the popular vote. -
Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
There were many benefits about this Act such as the law providing improved medical care for people sickened by unsafe food. The law required that the food needs to be inspected by the government to ensure its safety. It also made the law that they cannot sell any unpreserved meats due to the safety concerns. -
Devils Tower
On September 24, 1906 Teddy Roosevelt proclaimed that the Devils Tower was named the first National Park. Devils Tower rises 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River. The tower is also 867 feet from its base to the summit and 5,112 feet above sea level. It is dome shaped and rocky, has native grasses, cactus, and sagebrush. There are four animals that are mainly found on the top of the tower and those are mice, chipmunks, pack rats, and occasionally a snake. -
Leaves presidency, visits Africa
In 1909, right after the presidency was over, Theodore Roosevelt left on an African Safari. He went there to hunt big game and collect specimens. The expedition collected 1,100 specimen, including 500 big game. Him and his son killed 512 beasts which include 17 lion, 11 elephant, and 20 Rhinoceros. -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully for Bull-Moose Party
The Bull-Moose Party is also known as the Progressive Party. It was a third party that was formed in 1912 by the former president Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt was nominated to run for the presidency but did not win.