Theodore Roosevelt is Born
Theodore Roosevelt was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City to Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt Sr. and Martha "Mittie" Bulloch.
https://witwisdom.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/boys-who-grew-up-to-be-president/ -
Named President when McKinley is assassinated
Roosevelt was nominated onto the McKinley ticket as vice president by New York officials who wanted to get rid of him and his policies. However, when President McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901 he was in critical care until he passed away on September 14, 1901. The death of McKinley resulted in Theodore Roosevelt's rise from vice-president to President.
http://www.trsite.org/learn/the-day-of-the-inauguration -
Energy Crisis
President Roosevelt called a meeting on October 3, 1906 due to a strike in the coal fields of Pennsylvania threatened a coal famine. This day, with Roosevelt's pleads, marked the turn of the US government from strikebreaker to peacemaker.
http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/articles/1002/roosevelts-imperialism-the-venezuelan-crisis-the-panama-canal-and-the-origins-of-the-roosevelt-corollary -
Elkins Act Passed
The Elkins Act of 1903 ended the practice of rebates with railroads. This act gave federal courts the power to end rate discrimination and upheld rates published by the ICC. Railroad directors had expressed their desire to end the practice of rebates to TR, who in turn supported the bill named after Senator Stephen B. Elkins.
http://up150.com/timeline/interstate-commerce-commission -
Pelican Island, Florida named first national wildlife refuge
The birth of the National Wildlife Refuge System came when President Theodore Roosevelt named Pelican Island the first national wildlife refuge. By the end of his presidency, Roosevelt had named 9 other wildlife refuges in Florida and a total of 55 bird reservations and national game preserves.
https://www.fws.gov/invasives/volunteerstrainingmodule/swf/nwrsystem/1903.html -
Wins first full term as president
In 1904, Republicans unanimously voted Theodore Roosevelt their presidential nominee. He wound up winning the election with the largest margin thus far by a president, becoming the first "accidental" president to win an election after having been president due to McKinley's assassination.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600/presidents/theodoreroosevelt -
Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
Muckraking journalists reports on the appaling conditions of the country's manufacturing plants, as well as Sinclair's "The Jungle", finally led to help with the passage of pure food and drug act in 1906, which called for honest labeling on products.
https://www.emaze.com/@ACTTFLWI/Pure-Food?-What%27s-That -
Devil's Tower, Wyoming, named first national monument
Many supported protecting and reserving the tower as a national or state park. Senator Warren proposed the idea, yet Congress took no further action. It wasn't until the Antiquities Act of June 1906 that allowed "objects of historic or scientific" interest to be set aside by the president that another option for reservation of the Tower was revealed. TR named Devil's Tower the first national monument.
https://www.nps.gov/deto/learn/historyculture/first-fifty-years-monument-established.htm -
Yosemite under federal control
When environmentalists noticed the beauty of Yosemite was being destroyed due to sheep grazing, they lobbied for national park status. The following year, congress set aside 1, 500 square miles of land for Yosemite National Park. In 1906, the state-controlled Yosemite Valley came under federal jurisdiction with the rest of the park.
http://us.geoview.info/summit_meadow_yosemite_national_park,19876370p -
Leaves presidency, visits Africa
Despite popularity, Teddy Roosevelt decided not to run in the presidential election of 1908. Instead, he appointed William Taft as his successor and went on an African Expedition. Between Theodore and his son, Kermit, they killed 512 animals.
https://www.loc.gov/rr/news/topics/rooseveltAfr.html -
Runs for presidency, unsuccessfully under Bull-Moose party
Roosevelt fails to win the Republican nomination; He calls upon the Bull-Moose Party and is nominated under this party. The Bull-Moose party was made up of Republicans who were unhappy about the renomination of Taft. The division of the Republican party ended up benefiting the democratic nominee, Wilson, who won the presidency.