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By Lupitaa
  • 1970

    The first Apple computer was released in April 1976. This was the first computer readily available to the general public. For the most part society was pretty free to the whole concept.
  • 1980

    After Apple other companies like 18M started creating personal computers and others
  • 1990

    The technological advancement made in the 90 s was revolutionary it gave birth to the World Wide Web better know today as the internet today millions of dollars are made thought this platform
  • 2005

    Before this decade a cell phone was just a phone many previously used devices adopted new purposes with more people using teach to better their lives internet security became a serious issue
  • 2010

    This decade was filled with innovations creations and revalations beyond many peoples wildest dreams

    American biochemist is a method for editing genes that is making changes t DNA sequences. Gene editing has a potencial to treat many diseases but also opens up the ethical gray area of creating designer humans
  • Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence
    Its becomes the worlds best go player