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ET 10#YearChallenge -THE NEW DIGITAL AGE- We are the Three-Head Dragon team. This is our timeline about the evolution of educational technology in 2009-2019

  • Enlace Test in High School

    Enlace Test in High School
    Media-Material: Enlace test
    Learning proccess: Implementation of Enlace test in high schools in order to measure the knowledge of the students in that educational level. Reference: ILCE. (2014). ENLACE en Educación Media Superior. Obtenido de SEP: http://www.enlace.sep.gob.mx/ba/aplicacion/
  • Students and Social Media

    Students and Social Media
    Students' role(organic): The use of social media became viral in the young population from 2009. For specific educational situations, students used them in order to share, acquire, and create information. Social media is still used in 2019. Reference: MeryPJ. (2 de septiembre de 2018). La evolución de Internet. 1991-2017. Obtenido de Timetoast: https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/la-evolucion-de-internet-2008-2017
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    Teaching in the new age

    Teacher's role(facilitator): it has evolved with the introduction of the digital era. They take the role of the tutor, adviser, and information manager. In this way, teachers use technological resources to improve their performances in a classroom. Reference: Blanco, A. V., & Amigo, J. C. (30 de agosto de 2016). El rol del docente en la era digital. Obtenido de Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado [en linea]: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=27447325008
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    Connectivism in the Digital Age

    Learning perspective: Connectivism is the main theory used in the digital age in order to include the use of ICT in education. Ubiquitous and mobile learning are part of the way in which connectivism is applied.
    Reference: krist2366, "Connectivism (Siemens, Downes)," in Learning Theories, June 1, 2015, https://www.learning-theories.com/connectivism-siemens-downes.html.
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    ICT in Education

    Learning-Teaching Process: ICT have become part of our society in the digital age, so education had to adjust to this change so that students are to able to apply these technological resources. Reference: Fernández, I. F. (18 de April de 2017). Las TICS en el ámbito educativo. Obtenido de EDUCREDA: https://educrea.cl/las-tics-en-el-ambito-educativo/
  • iPads

    Media-Materials:The first generation of ¡pad was performed in 2010 by Apple Inc. Reference: Martínez, C. (22 de marzo de 2017). La evolución del iPad. Obtenido de EL UNIVERSAL: https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/articulo/cartera/telecom/2017/03/22/la-evolucion-del-ipad
  • Google Drive

    Google Drive
    Media-Materials: Google Drive replaced Google Docs. It was developed in 2012. It is a tool used to file files and to send them among other uses. Reference: Alfonso, A. (25 de Agosto de 2016). LINEA DE TIEMPO LA TECNOLOGÍA EDUCATIVA. Obtenido de prezi: https://prezi.com/mep9wo-_hczy/linea-de-tiempo-la-tecnologia-educativa/
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    Media-Material: Google Chrome in smartphones
    Learnig process: It is starting to be used by students as a research tool after its creation in 2011 because is an easier way to look for information for their homework. Reference: MeryPJ. (2 de septiembre de 2018). La evolución de Internet. 1991-2017. Obtenido de Timetoast: https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/la-evolucion-de-internet-2008-2017
  • iPads in Public Schools

    iPads in Public Schools
    Political Education: The Mexican government gave ¡pads to students in public elementary school in order to use them in education. Reference: Digital, M. (26 de noviembre de 2014). Programa de Inclusión y Alfabetización Digital (PIAD). Obtenido de gob.mx: https://www.gob.mx/mexicodigital/articulos/programa-de-inclusion-y-alfabetizacion-digital-piad?fbclid=IwAR24p8K2uJ_WtQhAXjLLaMAjv27CIIMFzRIIyCVn6zXxufXvlL1wu6ovvZg