Technology Use Progression

  • 3.5in Floppy Disc

    3.5in Floppy Disc
    In 1980, Sony unveiled the 3.5-inch floppy disk, which had many advantages over its 8in and 5-1/4in predecessors. With its sturdy casing, metal shutter, and storage capacity of 1.44 megabytes, these disks displayed increased durability, portability, and convenience, which led to their widespread adoption as the industry standard. This enhanced lives due to its small size, reliability and durability compared to the previous options.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    In 1981, IBM enhanced the computing landscape by unveiling the first personal computer. This development introduced PCs directly into homes and offices, which increased efficiency across workplaces and improved educational experiences in schools. Additionally, these computers served as a new platform for gaming.
  • CD-ROM

    In 1983, Sony and Phillips jointly developed the CD-ROM, which featured a 700MB storage capacity. This new form of media revolutionized the storage and playback of multimedia content, ultimately sending cassette tapes into obsolescence. Its large storage capacity and user-friendly interface quickly gained widespread acceptance across various applications, ranging from video games to computer software. The CD enhanced the way we listen to music and shared physical media.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    In 1985, Microsoft revealed its initial Windows operating system, which improved personal computing by introducing a user-friendly GUI. This innovation expanded the accessibility of PCs to a large audience. Window's popularity attracted a multitude of software developers ranging from everything between word processing and graphic design to database programs and video editing. MS Windows enhanced productivity, ingenuity and creativity in the home and in the workplaces of many industries.
  • NES Nintendo Entertainment System

    NES Nintendo Entertainment System
    In 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System debuted. This marked a historic moment in the world of video games. This console redefined video games with its high quality games and exclusive franchises such as Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. Multiplayer games also enhanced social interactions among young gamers, which spawned the current gaming culture as we know today.