Technology Use Progression

By hkeams
  • AOL Instant Messanger

    AOL Instant Messanger
    AIM was created by Barry Appelman, Eric Bosco, and Jerry Harris in 1997 but became very popular around 2007. It was used to have users be able to chat online and became a large influence on the internet. Some examples are the way we show online presence, slang (lol, omg, tysm), and status updates.
  • Portable MP3 Player

    Portable MP3 Player
    The first portable MP3 player was launched in 1997 by Saehan Information Systems. This was a music device that allowed you to download a large amount of music by connecting it to a computer. This enhanced lives by being small and portable, and by allowing us to listen to music without ad interruptions.
  • Game Boy Advance

    Game Boy Advance
    The Game Boy is a handheld game console created by Nintendo in 2001. It was not the first handheld game but was the most popular because of its durability and concept. This changed technology by considering battery life when it comes to gaming systems and functionality.
  • Youtube

    Created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. It is the largest video sharing website in the world. YouTube is now the world’s second-largest search engine after Google.
  • iPhone

    The iPhone created in 2007 by Steve Jobs was a touch screen phone that had call/text, internet, camera, and more in one device. This impact on the industry helped progress the advancement of speed and efficiency.