Technology Progression

By Jiere21
  • PS2

    Inventors: Sony.
    Brief Description: The PS2 is a a gaming console. An upgrade to the previous PlayStation 1.
  • GameCube

    Inventors: Nentendo
    Brief Description: The Game Cube is a gaming console
  • PS3

    Inventors: Sony.
    Brief Description: The PS3 is a a gaming console, an upgrade to the PS1, and PS2.
  • Samsung Galaxy S3

    Inventors: Samsung
    Brief Description: The Galaxy S3 is a smartphone, an upgrade to the previous GS2
  • PS4

    Inventors: Sony.
    Brief Description: The PS4 is a a gaming console, an upgrade to the PS1, PS2, and PS3
  • Iphone 6+

    Inventors: Apple
    Brief Description: iPhone 6+ is a smartphone and its bigger & wider than the other version of the iPhone 6.