First LED
Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the first LED while working at general electric. It could only produce the color red at the time – 1962 -
Creation of the first mouse.
The first computer mouse was invented by Dougles Engelbart. It was made from wood and used two gears to calculate X and Y position movement which could later be used for GUI’s - 1964. -
The Brown Box.
The first video game console made was called the “brown box” created by Ralph Baer the console allowed people to play action and sports games among others on a television set. The console was priced at $100 but Baer recommended the price be $19.95 - 1968 -
Creation of DRAM
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) was created by Robert Dennard by modifying and redesigning RAM – 1968. -
The UNIX Operating System
A group of employees at AT&T Bell labs created UNIX, a very useful operating system for the time The name was derived from MULTICS which was a project being ran with several some large companies including Bell labs. - 1969