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Technology Timeline

  • Google Earth - Google

    Google Earth - Google
    Google sets the stage for finding our destination, or finding the nearest Chinese food with the touch of a button. This has had a tremendous impact on how we get around and search for things. It also gave us a view of places around the world many people would never see.
  • Myspace - Brad Greenspan, Chris DeWolfe, Josh Berman, Tom Anderson

    Myspace - Brad Greenspan, Chris DeWolfe, Josh Berman, Tom Anderson
    As one of the first major social media websites, it paved the way for the giants to come. It connected people from all across the world, and showed what was possible with social networking sites.
  • Youtube - Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley

    Youtube -  Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley
    One of the first site where people could collect and share videos with each other, Youtube exploded in popularity and now serves as a place for information entertainment, and learning for millions of people.
  • Super Computer Road Runner - IBM

    Super Computer Road Runner - IBM
    This was the first super computer to hit a petaflop, which is the largest amount any computer has ever gone to. This super computer paved the way for the over 100 supercomputers now that can process a petaflop.
  • Apple Retina Display - Steve Jobs

    Apple Retina Display - Steve Jobs
    With this invention Apple carved the way for even more high definition technologies. The new retina display had a screen resolution up to 400 pixels per an inch, and the new plane switching technology increased the viewing angle and color of the screen.