Technology Timeline

  • The ENIAC

    Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are known for the creation of the first computer the ENIAC otherwise known as the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. Almost entirely taking up the whole space of a 50 by 30 foot room, this was the first all electric computer.
  • Ferranti Mark 1

    Made by Ferranti Engineering firm in 1951, this is known as the general purpose computer. This computer featured games and music although not known as the first to have music.
  • The Mouse

    Original 1963 design by Douglas Engelbart, the mouse use rolling wheels to transmit directions based on movements. It was given its name due to some of the earlier designs looking like a mouse and tail.
  • First touchscreen

    The first touch screen computer invented by E.A. Johnson used glass and indium tin oxide on the screen so that the finger coming touching that screen would perform as an electric conductor. This early technology however was only able to be used as single touch.
  • Xerox Alto

    The Xerox Alto was one of the first computers to include a monitor. Invented by Karl Ferdindad this monitor would've costed 40,000$ if sold for commercial use.