Technology Timeline

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    Technology Timeline

  • Windows '95 released

    Windows '95 released
    I had heard about computers and even used some early computers at school, but Windows '95 was a game changer. A friend on the bus explained her family got a computer with the internet. I was impressed! Sometime later, my family and I got our first home desktop with windows and the internet. The time I spent playing pinball, solitaire, and painting pretty portraits.
    Image: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
  • Online messaging services

    11 to 12 year old Kristin spent many hours talking with my friends on MSN messenger and other online messaging services (ICQ, Yahoo!, etc.). It was amazing to send messages without calling someone on their home phone. Image courtesy of Wikipedia
  • Music file-sharing services

    Music file-sharing services
    I had heard of Napster, but I had never used the music file-sharing service. The service I used most by me was LimeWire, as it hit its peak in 2001. Music files, along with some viruses, were downloaded onto our computer and then "burned" onto CDs. I'm glad we have streaming services today. At least the artist is getting paid when we listen to their songs. Image courtesy of Digital Trends
  • MySpace

    Today, social media is a daily part of our lives. Many have multiple social media accounts on multiple platforms. I had not heard of social media until MySpace launched in 2003. We could create a profile complete with a background, music, pictures, and other things. We could then comment on our "friends" timelines. I miss MySpace! Image courtesy of google images
  • First online coursework

    In high school, Mr. Mays (our beloved art teacher) offered a Fine Arts course strictly online. While I only remember a little about the content, I learned valuable skills I still use today for this course. BlackBoard has changed over the years but somehow remains similar to the original version.
  • iPhone 4

    iPhone 4
    By this point, we all had a cellphone with keyboards, a camera, and even the ability to get on the internet (if you dare). The release of smartphones changed how we access information with its browser that worked like an actual browser and apps for everything you could imagine. Other smartphones had been released before the iPhone 4, but it was my first. Image courtesy of iMore