Automation of the financial and accounting functions begin, The systems were either transaction or process-oriented systems. -
First computers
The first computers were a punch-card system where hospitals shared the computers because the main frames were very large and expensive to purchase. Some healthcare institutions introduced patient care applications to their computer systems. -
Social Security Act
Social Security Act that includes Medicare and Medicaid was amended by U.S. Congress. -
Computer Stored Ambulatory Record
Computer Stored Ambulatory Record, an ambulatory care system was developed at Massachusetts's General Hospital. In this system, patient care data was computerized to meet providers medical, financial, and administrative needs. -
Computers in each department
Computers became available in each department. This was the first time hospitals had computers in each department because they were now small enough to be for individual use and also they were cheaper. -
Statistical Records and Online Data Communications
Heath departments and other community organizations contracted with vendors so that systems to provide statistical reports required by local, state. and federal government agencies could be developed. Other than large teaching medical centers, hospital information systems started to use online data communications technology to provide instant access to computerized data bases. -
Reimbursement and Communicate
The first time in healthcare that computers were used for reimbursement and for each department to communicate with one another. Now if you needed to see something about the patient that was not done by your department you could look it up on your computer. -
Computers Were A Big Help
Computers were started to be used everywhere. This gave people outside the healthcare setting information about anything and it also made it easy for people to find a doctor or hospital that they might want to use. -
Cost became the major driver of computerization surpassing quality of care. -
Managing Care
Managed care is used more with computerization. There is a high demand of interest in patient-centered computing environments. -
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, first passed by Congress in 1996 is getting the attention of health care agencies. The final rules and regulations are being promulgated. -
HITECH Act passed as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Provided for meaningful use, or a set of national priorities that, if focused on, would help health care performance improvement efforts. Provided help for physicians to implement electronic medical records