Technology Timeline

  • Aug 25, 1495

    da Vinci sketched plans for humanoid robot

  • Digital Phone Lines

    Phone companies develop digital transmission for internal uses.
  • IBM 360 mass produced

    First bot/computer to be produced and sold
  • USA lands on the Moon

    Successfully put robotic and space technology to land Neil Armstrong on the moon.
  • Xerox PARC Alto introduced

    Was a ground breaking computer with a wide influence on the computer industry, it used windows, icons, and a mouse.
  • Star Wars is Released

    Creates strong image for robots in the future
  • Texas Instruments TI 99/4 is realeasd

    Had one of the fastest CPU's available in a home computer.
  • PowerBook First laptop realeased

    Was one of the first computers that was more powerful and had a very large memory.
  • IBM wins world chess championship

    Bot beats a World Champion chess player Garry Kasparov
  • LEGO launches it first robotics inventions system

    Guides children in the understand of programming and building bots.
  • Sony Releases AIBO

    Robotic do with the ability to learn, entertain, and communicate
  • Cornell Univeristy Build self replicating bot

    Used of magnets and computerized cubes if this bot falls apart it can bring itself back together
  • The cloud

    The Cloud is created for a place to store files and pictures on the web.
  • Roomba Robotic Vacuum

    2.5 million units sold nationwide of the first family robot
  • IPad released

    Apple Releases its touch screen tablet computer
  • SuperComputers

    SuperComputers are developed to by 30 times less powerful than human brains.