Technology Timeline

  • IPad

    The iPad was released in 2010, becoming the best selling and most used tablet of its time
  • Oculus

    A very early version of oculus is released, a Virtual reality platform that started something new.
  • Alexa

    Amazon Echo/Alexa was released, allowing families to talk to an assistant inside their homes.
  • Tesla Autopilot

    Tesla Autopilot
    Tesla works on its cars to create an autopilot, though it is very limited.
  • 5G

    5G allows phones to run as fast as ever before, upgrading on the technology of 4G.
  • Xbox Series X and PS5 Released

    Xbox Series X and PS5 Released
    The next generation of consoles are released, allowing for more innovation to console gaming, such as crossplay, 120fps gameplay, and RTX.